How to Get Rid of Rats

Unlike most other nuisance wildlife that may enter your home or business, it is legal to use kill traps on these small creatures. The types of traps commonly used are called snap traps because they snap down on the rat or rodent's neck to sever the spinal cord and provide the least painful death possible for the rat. They are usually baited with food that doesn't easily decompose, like peanut butter, but you can use just about any food because rats are the world's least picky eaters.

Image of rat
Rats are common household pests

Pre-Trapping Rat Inspection and Observation

Before you get into the thick of trapping, you might want to have a good look around your home to see where the rats are living, leaving waste, and what they could be eating. Once you start setting traps, you can begin exclusion work to prevent new rats from entering the property and beginning to nest.

Excluding Additional Rats

Silicone caulking and steel mesh are good for sealing small to large sized opening of your home where rats can potentially get inside. You can purchase these supplies at home improvment and hardware stores easily and affordably. Use silicone on the small holes and cracks, and steel mesh over vents and areas of damage along soffit and fascia board until it can be replaced properly. These exclusion devices should be able to keep out any new rats while you trap and kill the rats currently inside of your home.

Image of rats in traps
Trapped dead rats should be removed ASAP

Trapping and Disposing of Rats

Kill traps, however legal and efficient, still leave you with a dead rat carcass that must be disposed of properly according to local statues and law. However you end up getting rid of these carcasses, do carefully wrap them in plastic and seal the remains so as not to attract larger nuisance wildlife or create noxious odors as they decompose. Decomposing rat carcasses are a hot bed for fly larvae and will attract these insects if not taken care of as well.

When All Else Fails, Call a Professional

If you are struggling with your rat infestation, and these unwanted guests are causing costly damage to your home's internal components, don't hesitate to give us a call. Not every job is suitable for the average homeowner to handle alone. Our friendly staff will walk you through the trapping and removal process, as well as be able to provide repair services to make your home as good as new once your pest problem has been solved. Good luck!

Further Reading